November 17, 2014 by Chelsea Manning Support Network
On Chelsea Manning’s 27th birthday, this December 17th 2014, the Payday Men’s Network and Queer Strike are organizing vigils in her honor. Currently, actions are planned for London, San Francisco, Berlin, and Philadelphia.
Supporters are encouraged to also organize an event in their area, and Payday Men’s Network and Queer Strike will publicize it. Write to for more information and to share details of your event.
London vigil details:
2:30-4:00 PM Tuesday, December 17
On the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields
Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ Charing Cross
(St. Martin’s request that vigils on the steps are silent)
Details on other locations TBA – Check back for more info.
From Payday Men’s Network & Queer Strike on the vigils:
Imprisoned in 2010 and held for months under torturous conditions, Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years in August 2013. If this stands, she’ll be out in 2045. We cannot let this happen – we have to get her out!